The Classical Academy for Fine Arts
Private and high-quality art education by driven professionals in the long-lasting and rich Dutch tradition with space for your own views. With the vocational training that you can follow alongside your work and courses as extra training for professionals and non-professionals.
The Classical Academy for Fine Arts in Groningen is in line with the ancient and rich visual tradition in the Netherlands. In the north of the Netherlands particularly, much of that tradition has been preserved. This has been converted into an independent, unsubsidized art school.
This course attracts countless enthusiastic and hard-working students, who at the Classical Academy receive the classical vocational education, which in post-war subsidised art education, paved the way for ‘post-modern’ education. The latter has become, more or less conceptually oriented education, within which traditional craftsmanship plays little or hardly any role. The Classical Academy is therefore diametrically opposed to the established order.
Since 2005, the Classical Academy trains upcoming artists. The art training consists of a preparatory course or basic training (optional), and a vocational training, divided into a 3-year vocational training and a 2-year master’s training. In addition, the Classical Academy offers various courses in painting and graphics. Admission requirements apply to the Masters and Masters in Painting. Not for the other studies.
The lessons are compressed within two consecutive teaching days per academic year: do you come from far? No problem. You can follow all classes with one night per week.